Your blood pressure and pulse rate will have returned to normal
After 8 hours
The nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in your blood will have reduced by more than half and your oxygen levels will be normal
After 48 hours
Nicotine will be gone from your body
After 72 hours
You’ll notice your breathing is easier and you have more energy
After 3-9 months
Any breathing problems you had will have improved as your lung function will have increased by up to 10%
After 10 years
Your risk of cancer falls to half that of a smoker
After 15 years
Your risk of a heart attack falls to the same levels as someone who has never smoked
Quitting at age 35 adds an average of 10 years to someone’s life expectancy
Increased risk of heart disease diminishes by 50% within first year of stopping
Risk of lung cancer stops increasing when smokers quit
Average smoker saves over £1,500 per year if they quit
Ex-smokers report being healthier, happier and having greater life satisfaction than smokers
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It can be motivating for smokers to have information on the benefits of stopping, and it is important to communicate to smokers that quitting is the best thing they can do for their current and future health