Nicotine contained in cigarette smoke rapidly absorbed through lining of lungs and reaches brain in 10 seconds, peaking at 10 minutes after smoking
Patches allow nicotine absorption via skin, peak at 2-3hrs
Fast-acting products fall somewhere between peal nicotine doses via cigarettes and steady dose delivery of patches
This graph shows nicotine blood concentration levels one hour following the smoking of a cigarette or administration of various forms of NRT. It illustrates the different speed of delivery and elimination of nicotine delivered in cigarettes compared with NRT.
It will be necessary to manage patient expectations of what NRT can do for them and how NRT can never get nicotine to brain as fast as when it’s attached to tobacco smoke. Patients often complain or feel dissatisfied that NRT doesn’t take away cravings straight away, underscoring the importance of getting ahead of the urge to smoke.